Gardening Gardening Herbs

Medicinal Herbs

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Medicinal Herbs

Most herbs are reasonably easy to grow even for the amatuer gardener and there’s nothing better than picking fresh ingredients straight from your own garden.

Pot Marigold or calendula has been used for centuries as an anticeptic and antifugal. The plant has lovely bright flowers and grows easily from seed. The petals of these flowers can be used for skin soothing properties.

Coriandrum or Cilantro has a flavour you either like or do not. The seeds are a main ingredient in india recipes and are a favourite in curry recipes. The leaves are used as garnish for various dishes and a lovely tag to them.

As for medicinal purposes, the herb can be used as a digestive aid and may be capable of helping in de-tox regimes.

The herb can be grown in cool moist gardens but will not stand much of a frost.

Lemon Balm the oils in the leaves and flowers of this herb are said to have a relaxing effect on the stomach and nervous system.

The herb is tasty and gentle when made into a tea. The plant is a lovely bright greem when it grows and is easy to look after.

Spearmint and Peppermint are flavours regularly used in toothepaste and chewing gum etc. The flavours can be used in tea which may relieve digestive issues. The herbs can also soothe aching muscles when applied topically.

Mint is a very aggressive plant and grows very quickly and can be a bit of a problem if left to itself. It may be worth considering growing mint in a point so it is more controlled.

Rosemary is a perennial herb that will grow well in most condition, however hard frosts can be dangerous. The herb can be grown in lovely evergreen hedges and can be used as a low border. Bees love the flowers and the leaves can emit a lovely arroma in the rain. The plant is a wonderful stimulant and can help with concentration.

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