Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theories You will not believe

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Here are some conspiracy theories that you will not believe, ranging from mass mind control to the Nazi live on the moon. In this video we discover some of the more wierd conspiracy theories, mixed in with a some true stories.

The mix of theory and truth, helps to demonstrate how the theories can be believable due to the cover ups run by the authorities.

The first conspiracy theory we will look is that of the contrails left by jets in the sky. The contrail are condensation trails, the white lines that trace the path of jets across a blue sky

are not just pretty on a sunny day. According to the theory for those of us that are a little more paranoid the contrails are the government poisoning us in a very visible way.

There are several variations on this theme the first one we will cover is that these chem trails or chemical trails are produced by the government pumping out weather controlling

chemicals across the sky. These chemicals are harming us since we breathe them in.

This theory seems to miss the point that the people in the government also breathe the same air as the rest of the population.

Or it could just be the fact that it is cold up there and when you burn oil-based fields in cold places you get water vapor

Another theory goes that the chem trails are actually nano fibres that are being sprayed out so that they make the general population more sickly. This in turn will cause them to spend more on medicines and therefore make more profits for big business.

Fluoride is a chemical that you will probably find in toothpaste its intended uses to strengthen teeth that’s all well and good, but some governments are putting fluoride into the drinking water. This theory goes that the reason is not to strengthen our teeth there is a more sinister reason or actually depending on who you listen to there are two possible sinister reasons.

The first reason given is to make the public ill and then cause an increase in the purchase of pharmaceuticals that sounds familiar the other one is that the chemical is added to help in a government mind control plot.

That again would suggest that the people in government never drink tap water now this may sound very far-fetched however in 1988 a lorry driver tipped tons of aluminium sulphate directly into a tank feeding the public water supply in Camelford Cornwall.

Although this was an accident it does show how these sorts of things could affect the general public the high acidity of the water caused pipes to corrode and released a cocktail of chemicals into the water. In the following days reports of blue hair, joint pain, bowel problems and short-term memory loss were reported. Even though these reports were made the authorities took some time to respond and eventually had to flush the system into the Camelford estuary.

This caused a horrendous loss of life in the local fish stocks.

You’re going to love this one the nazis at the end of the second world war didn’t just capitulate to the allied forces. No they knew they were going to lose the war so they built a space station on the moon and moved their top party members up to the moon. Now this may sound absolutely ridiculous to you but bear with us on this one.

It is well documented that the Germans were well ahead of the rest of the world in the development of rockets. Starting with the v1 rocket and then the V2 rocket. The v1 had only a pulse jet engine that powered it along at a couple of thousand feet up whereas the v2 had a ceiling of about 128 miles. The theory goes that these were nowhere near the final work of the German scientists and they produced rockets capable of getting to the moon not only that but they created enough of them to be able to take the personnel, machines and materials up to the moon to build a space station.

All this was being done whilst the allies undertook a massive air campaign against the country and no one noticed these rockets disappearing off into the sky.

Another interesting question would be why to what end would this massive venture be undertaken. Anyway it is also well documented that some of the best German rocket scientists were part of a nasa space project.

This project took America 20 years or so to get a man on the moon this is all assuming that you do not subscribe to the nasa conspiracy theory that nasa never got to the moon.

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