Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theories on the Internet Part 2

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The key to a good conspiracy theory is that it sounds plausible. As long as it sounds plausible, some will belive it.

The moon landings were faked, believe it or not there are still a lot of people who believe that the moon landings in the late 60s were actually faked by the USA. Unfortunately for these people there are a few facts that do dispute this one of the main ones is that the technology to land on the moon was only just available.

However the technology to fake the footage was not other countries had the technology to track the mission for example if Russia had the opportunity to prove it was a fake do you not think they would have taken it. We had the rocks that were brought back so there’s a bit of an issue here, either everyone who has studied the rocks is in on the secret or it’s pretty good proof that someone got there.

Reflectors were left on the moon and these are used to bounce lasers off so we can calculate and plot the movement of the moon. A another theory to prove the landings are fake is that, in the stills taken on the moon, no stars can be seen. One thing even the most amateur photographers know is that you have to either focus on the items at the front of the scene or those at the back of the scene. Either way the other part of the image will always be slightly blurred.

Another theory floated is that the flag they planted was fluttering in the wind this would be impossible in the vacuum of space now this is a more interesting one, as apparently NASA has said in the past it was because the astronauts were trying to get the flagpole into the surface of the moon at the time.

The beatles were faked another wonderful conspiracy theory is that the 1960 pop band the beatles were a fake group made up from different people at different times and were not the famous four that we all know the theory goes that the band we saw were actually clones or body doubles. As for evidence, theorists suggest that there is photographic evidence that the members faces and features changed over the years. Apparently up to three different people were presented as john lennon most of this evidence for john lennon is a series of photos that supposedly show his nose and ears change over the years.

There are websites devoted to this fact paul mccartney apparently had up to 12 different doubles and had scars appearing and disappearing on his chin, during the years and the color of his eyes changing all again can supposedly be proved by photographic evidence. Paul apparently died in a car crash in 1966 and this is the reason for the doubles.

Ringo and george both also supposedly had doubles as photographic evidence shows different teeth and eye levels.

The earth is flat yes, this one does take a little believing there are some people that actually think the earth is flat. Where should we start, the evidence offered is that when they walk around the earth looks and feels flat. The theory goes that anything that contradicts this is actually a conspiracy. So the moon shots the photographs and imagery from the satellites are all a hoax. From here we have to consider why no one has ever been heard of falling off the edge but the theory has discovered nasa employees guard the boundary so this does not happen.

You may ask why do the sun and the moon move across the sky as they do, not worry the theory has this covered both the sun and the moon are spheres which circulate around the flat earth and therefore give the illusion of night and day.

Gravity this is also a hoax the theory has it that things do not actually suck into gravity it is the earth that is continually moving upwards i think we will leave it there with this one,

The illuminati, the illuminati according to sources did actually exist in centuries gone, their aim seems to be world domination and elitism. They appear to be in effect revolutionaries and the anti-royalist, anti-cleric and anti-establishment to an extent.

There are numerous versions of this conspiracy ranging from aliens and lizard people who rule the world, to an atheist elite who control everything. This is another one of those theories that is as equally difficult to prove as disprove to believers. Possibly one of the reasons for its popularity is the opportunity for people to use this theory as an excuse for the bad things that happen in life. As for aliens ruling the earth you could ask the question if they are so advanced why is the world in the state it is at the moment.

The world is a simulation so this theory goes, that the whole world is actually just a level in a game simulation and we are all just bit role players in the game. Another theory that takes as much proving is disproving so if you believe this theory you can expected some time to level up or see the words game over across the sky.

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